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Putnam Senior Forum to focus
on probate and Alzheimer's issues
PUTNAM — The Town of Putnam’s Commission on Aging will host a Senior Forum from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Oct. 3 at the Municipal Complex. It’s open to anyone age 50 and over.
Relevant topics of Probate and Alzheimer issues will be covered during two different sessions.
Probate Judge Gabbi Labonte will offer a session on probate situations at 5:30.
The Alzheimer’s Association, Connecticut Chapter will answer questions regarding Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia and will have some resource information on hand at the 6:30 session.
Attendees are invited to meet in the Community Room at 5:25 as the monthly Commission on Aging meeting wraps up, or head straight into Conference Room 109 to settle in for the first session. There will be snacks available in the Community Room. No registration is required.
Contact the Putnam Recreation Department at 860-963-6800 ext 140 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions on this program and to learn more about what the Commission on Aging has to offer our community members aged 50 and over.
