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Legion Golf Tourney
Above: The golf tourney committee from left: Edward Morissette, Michael Rocchetti, Eric Quinn, Traci Lefebvre, Brian Maynard, Michael Vassar, and Charles Mackenzie.  Right: Brian Maynard presents flags to representatives of the tournament sponsors - Jared Bouten from Big Gary’s Discount Liquor Store and Shayna O’Brien from the Supporting Living Group.

PUTNAM — The Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post 13 raised $14,000 — and awareness — at its annual golf tournament Sept 11.
Despite the hot muggy conditions, about 140 golfers completed the 18-hole course just before the rains came. According to Post 13 Commander Michael Rocchetti, “While the outpouring of rain may have dampened a few golfers, it did not dampen their enthusiasm – and was a fitting end to a day characterized by another outpouring – namely the support and generosity of our local community!”
Rocchetti said: “This year, the focus of the golf tournament was twofold – to honor the legacy of Putnam’s only Congressional Medal of Honor recipient – U.S. Navy submariner Henry Breault, and to raise awareness of the suicide problem amoung our veterans. Many of the victims unable to endure the pain of traumatic brain injuries – a hidden wound  usually caused by the improvised explosive devices which were an ever-present danger during the prolonged conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Proceeds from the tournament will help support suicide awareness and prevention programs for our veterans in northeastern Connecticut.”
The winning foursome was Adam Abram, Cam Cormier, Mike Greene and Dave Hagget with a “To Par Gross” of -14, and a “Total Gross” of 57.
Since the event coincided with the 22nd anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, Brian Maynard, a past Post 13 commander, kicked-off the event with a moment of silence in honor of those first responders who lost their lives on that day, and paid a tribute to representatives from the Putnam Police and Fire departments. Maynard also expressed sincere gratitude for the primary tournament sponsors which included Big Gary’s Discount Liquor Store in Putnam and the Supported Living Group Rehabilitation Center in Danielson. “The level of generosity exceeded our expectations. There are so many other major sponsors I would like to recognize, including Northeast Flooring & Kitchens, Roger Franklin, Gerardi Insurance, Fluid Coating Technologies Inc, RPC Associates, Downes Construction, Jewett City Savings Bank, Venture Communications, Antinozzi Associates, BW Dexter Masonry, Windham County Heating and AC, Rawson Materials, and many more tee sponsors. We are also thankful for the many donations we received for raffle prizes, and for the people who came out today to golf at our tournament. It’s just overwhelming we netted over $14,000! How lucky we are to live in such a great community!”
Rocchetti said the tournament pulled in $4,000 more than anticipated.
The legion would like to earmark some of the money raised toward veterans’ suicide awareness and prevention help.
Maynard served as the chairman of the Golf Committee and put together a team that included past Post 13 Commander Michael Vassar, Eric Quinn, Edward Morissette, Traci Lefebvre, Earl Rosebrooks, Mark Brule, and Charles Mackenzie. According to Maynard, “This was an all-star team – highly motivated and very dedicated to making the event a success.”
