Brush, limb
chipping starts
next week
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — It’s a go for the brush and tree limbs collection next week.
The town picks up and chips brush and tree limbs less than 6 inches in diameter on the last full week of September.
Please put the brush and limbs out toward the beginning of next week.
Travis Sirrine, highway superintendent, said the crews are on schedule for this traditional collection date. Two crews will be canvassing the town.
As long as the branches are 6 inches in diameter or smaller and you can drag it out, the chipper machine can take it, he said. Please put the cut end facing the road.
The next brush/limb collection is the last full week of April. The town no longer does a call-in collection in July, he said.
Land clearing will not be picked up.
Grass clippings are not picked up and must be mulched or composted.
But what about leaves? Leaves are vacuumed starting the last Monday of October and continues until complete or inclement weather interrupts the operation.