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Library  to host 'End
of Life 101' discussion
POMFRET — Pomfret Public Library will be hosting a series of four presentations and discussions relating to preparing for End of Life in February and March.
Pomfret Public Library has scheduled discussions with experienced end-of-life professionals in hopes that attendees will more fully appreciate the time that they have by preparing well for its end. The free discussion series is sponsored by The Friends of Pomfret Public Library and each session will begin with a light shared meal of ‘Lunch with Friends’ at noon, followed by a presentation and discussion. Please sign up for each session you would like to attend at or 860-928-3475.
The schedule for the series: Feb. 9 - Life and Death with Lisa Creedon, EOLDoula (Lunch with Friends at noon (registration required), Discussion Program 12:30 to 2 p.m.; Feb. 23 - End of Life Legal Concerns with Atty. Leah Schad (Lunch with Friends at noon (registration required), Discussion Program 12:30 to 2 p.m. ; March 1 - Swedish Death Cleaning with Lisa Creedon, EOLDoula (Lunch with Friends at noon (registration required), Discussion Program 12:30 to 2 p.m.; March 15 - Telling Your Story with Nancy Weiss (Lunch with Friends at noon (registration required), Discussion Program 12:30 to 2 p.m.
Also, the library has a selection of related reading materials available to borrow and will discuss a featured title the first Thursday of February, March and April at 3:30 p.m. Book discussion details are available at and copies of the featured books are either at the library or online. All library programs are free and open to the public; you are welcome to attend as many of the sessions as you wish. Please register for each one at (860-928-3475); include contact info for notification of any weather-related postponements.
