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Legion Post is
PUTNAM — The local American Legion Post #13 is recruiting new members in 2024.
Post Commander Michael Rocchetti said: “It is an exclusive organization – mainly because you have to be a U.S. Military veteran to join, and less than one half of one percent of Americans meets those criteria. In Putnam, our goal is to reach 190 members. Last year we had 177, and we are hoping to do better in 2024”.
The Post meets on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Putnam Town Hall. The dues for the 2024-2025 year will be $45. If you are interested, please feel free to attend one of their meetings. For more membership information, just log on to
The Legion is the nation’s largest veterans group with a membership of approximately 2 million people. It was founded in 1919 by WWI veterans who recognized a need for an organization that would provide direct assistance to war widows and orphans, and provide care and advocacy for wounded veterans.
Rocchetti said: “Many of the great veteran’s benefits that we currently have, would not have been possible without the American Legion – the GI Bill, college tuition assistance, veteran’s home loans, the Veterans Administration, VA hospitals and health care. The American Legion has been called the most influential organization in the history of the American political system.” Since its inception, many of the American presidents have been members. The Legion stands on four pillars – Veteran’s Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth.
There are a variety of related programs that directly benefit the local community such as college scholarships, the annual Youth Oratorical competition and Boy’s State, the State Police Youth Academy, and American Legion Baseball.
“At the local level, you will find a strong American Legion presence at patriotic observances on Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, and at other events. Our Honor Guard will usually be seen leading the way in parades and it generally post the colors at opening ceremonies for many high profile events in town. We also have a very dignified Post-Everlasting service that we perform at member funerals. But most importantly, we take care of each other. Getting first-time assistance from the VA can sometimes be a daunting task but our Service Officers are here to help,” added Rocchetti.
