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PUTNAM — The Putnam Public Library will present “Earth 2024. Save it & Save Ourselves” from 1 to 2:30 p.m. March 16.
Presenter Ken Wolslegel, environmental scientist, said: “We are 24 years into the 3rd Millennium, and health check-up on our planet is overdue.  Earth 2024 (E24) is that check-up, in the form of an original 65-minute multimedia presentation, with compelling imagery, an accompanying soundtrack and live narration that takes a sweeping look at man’s 2.5 million year evolutionary journey and the inadvertent peril our modern lifestyles have created here on earth.”
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He added: “As the planet’s population closes in on 10 billion, these perils and the actions we take (or do not take) today will determine man’s future.  E24 takes a sobering look at what is happening right now, to the three foundations of life on earth: biodiversity, the oceans and our planet’s changing climate.  The impacts already happening to our economy, public health, food security and national security are put in plain sight.  E24 then looks to the future, and what we need to do to keep these foundations intact.
