From left: Robert Challinor Jr., David Gilbert, Jim Bradley, Michael Rocchetti, Michael Vassar, Alan Joslin. Courtesy photo.
Legion Post donates $10,000
to Veterans Memorial Park
PUTNAM — The Mayotte-Viens Post 13 American Legion of Putnam recently donated $10,000 to Putnam’s Veterans Advisory Committee (VAC) for the Veterans Memorial Park upgrade project.
Post 13’s Commander Michael Rocchetti said: “Putnam’s Veterans Memorial Park is very important to our local American Legion Post — we want to make sure that our veterans are not forgotten.”
VAC Committee Chairman Robert Challinor Jr. was very grateful and thanked the American Legion for its generous donation. Rocchetti said the proceeds of the post’s annual Mayotte-Viens Post 13 Golf Tournament (set for Sept. 16 at Connecticut National Golf Course) will also be donated to the VAC for the Veterans Memorial Park upgrade project.
Putnam Mayor Barney Seney said: “The project is on a very tight budget and we are hoping that the sale of memorial paving bricks and other donations will pay for the work.”
The project will include new walkways, a new flagpole with a circular base paved with memorial bricks; there will be a new WWII monument, as well as new monuments for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. These will complement the existing monuments for WWI, Korea and Vietnam. There will also be a new lighting, power, landscaping, park benches, and a concrete pad for ceremonial observances.