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Putnam Area Foundation:
$10k for veteran park rehab
PUTNAM — As an important and impactful supporter of projects, events and the people of the Putnam area, the Putnam Area Foundation (PAF) presented a donation of $10,000 to the Putnam Veteran’s Advisory Committee (VAC) for the rehabilitation and upgrades to Veteran’s Memorial Park.
       Work began last year, and much planning has been going on over the winter months. Spring comes fast — all assignments are in place, and teams of workers, students and volunteers are ready to go.
       Visitors can expect to enjoy new monuments, restored existing monuments, improved lighting, and flagpole, plus a “Court of Honor” featuring over 1000 bricks for local veterans.
       PAF’s donation will support not only a large quantity of bricks, it also helps support the other work lined up.
       Thomas Borner, president of the PAF, said, ”The Foundation is pleased to support the project honoring all those who have served this country in assuring our freedom in the greatest country to have ever existed.”
       For more info, go to
