A Busy Saturday
captions: Clockwise from top left:
A spirited NECONN soccer game.
The Putnam Beautification Day was a success with close to 200 people taking part. It is sponsored by the Putnam Business Association, the Town of Putnam (Highway Department and Parks and Rec Department), and The Last Green Valley. Prize winners, from the top: Lucas Barnes - Best Youth Volunteer. Pam Rodgers - Most Spirited Volunteer. Boy Scout Troops 66 and 25 and Cub Scout Pack 21 - Most Spirited Group and The Kaliszewski family - Most Fun/Unusual (they found a take-out window - without a building attached - behind Price Chopper).
The first Tri-State Cruisers Classic Car Club's cruise of the season. Close to 300 cars took part, serenaded by '50s tunes. And a special award was given out. See page 1.
The semiannual Prescription Drug Takeback pulled in 171 pounds, according to Putnam Police Captain Justin Lussier. He added that the station averages 30 to 40 pounds per week in the drop box at the station's lobby. From left: Putnam Police Sgt. Kevin Cardonne, Putnam Lion Sheila Coderre and Romeo Blackmar, Substance Abuse Program director at the Hale YMCA Youth and Family Center.
Run that way! T-ball game. Putnam vs. Pomfret.