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Tennis courts at Woodstock Middle School in 2023. Work has already begun on replacing them. Linda Lemmon photo.

Woodstock Recreation and the Town of Woodstock announced the project to replace the tennis courts at Woodstock Middle School has begun.
Demolition of the old courts is complete. New net posts are being installed and during the month of August, new asphalt and fencing will be installed.
The pavement slab will need to cure for several months before the line striping and sport coating can be applied, so the opening of the new courts is slated for June 2025.
The courts will include 2 full-size doubles tennis courts with pickleball lines inset on each court and an adjustable-height net to accommodate both sports.
This project is made possible by funds from the American Rescue Plan Act allocated by the Boards of Finance and Selectmen. The courts will be dedicated to the memory of First Selectman Jay Swan who, in collaboration with the Recreation director Erin Lucas and the Recreation Commission, advocated for this project over the course of several years.
Woodstock Recreation plans to offer a variety of youth and adult tennis and pickleball programming starting in June 2025, in addition to making the courts available to Woodstock residents for open court time.
