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Interact gets students off to good start

PUTNAM — Aug. 17 the Putnam Rotary Club’s Interact Club, members of the Grace Episcopal Church and others gathered at TEEG to help local school children to pick out new backpacks, fill them with new school supplies and get fitted for new sneakers.
Roberta Rocchetti, Interact advisor, said the Interact Club helped set up, restock tables and be the children’s own personal shopper.
Chelsea French, TEEG administrative director, said there were 40 families and 86 children that were served from grades kindergarten through high school. Rocchetti thanked Interact members: Sofia Thurber, Paige Perry, Kira Green, Serena Smith, Calleigh Levesque and Dylan Axtell and Rotarians Doug Porter, Woody Durst, Tracie Lombardy.
The club’s first meeting of the school year will be at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at the Putnam Public Library. The Interact Club is a Rotary-sponsored regional club and meets the second and fourth Tuesday September - May. Students ages 12 - 18 are welcome. For more information contact Roberta Rocchetti 860-933-8603 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
