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Garden club's symposium is April 5
DANIELSON — The Quiet Corner Garden Club will host “Growing Gardeners 2025”, a Symposium from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. April 5 at CT State Community College Quinebaug Valley, (QVCC).
This year’s theme is “Healthy Plants, Healthy People, Healthy Planet”.  Topics will include: Pollinators and Native Plants, Herbs, No-Till Gardening, Seed Starting, The Home Medicine Chest, Habitats for Attracting Birds, Mushroom Foraging, and more!
Browse our nature inspired vendors and informative exhibits. Meet local farmers and sample their products. Giveaways and door prizes add to the fun!
Tickets are limited. A box lunch is available for an additional charge. For more information and to buy tickets go to
