Category: Past Issues

PUTNAM — April Stevens, quality risk management nurse, is Day Kimball Hospital’s February Employee of the Month. Stevens has been with Day Kimball Healthcare since 1988 and has held various positions as a nurse.
When Stevens began her career at Day Kimball in 1988, she assumed the role of clinical coordinator in the Emergency Department. Acting as the charge nurse, Stevens oversaw patient care and the daily operations of the emergency nursing staff. In 2001, Stevens became a part of the quality department and now has a variety of daily responsibilities to assist with the implementation of patient safety initiatives and quality monitoring.
A 1979 graduate of Worcester Hahnemann Hospital School of Nursing, Stevens also graduated from Worcester State College in 2000 with a bachelor’s in nursing. Currently living in Dudley, she enjoys cooking, walking, reading, beach trips and spending time with her family in her free time. She and her husband Michael recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary and have two children together.