Artist Barbara Lussier, left, Jay Cantor and winner of grand prize, Caroline Sloat of Thompson.
POMFRET --- As a kick off to the first day of spring, the annual fund-raiser for the Performing Arts of NE CT was held March 20 at the Pomfret School’s Parson’s Lodge.
An original Barbara Lussier painting was the Grand Prize for the evening. Mrs. Robert Sloat of Thompson was the lucky winner! Other prizes were awarded and all attendees carried home daffodils donated by Jay Cantor.
Performing Arts FREE children’s educational program serves public, private and parochial schools in 26 towns in NE CT. Third graders are treated to the New Haven Symphony 55 piece symphonic production and fifth graders are treated to a one hour fully staged performance by the Boston Lyric Opera. Since 1973, over 131,000 children have participated in these free programs.
The group's funding comes from local individuals, businesses and grants. Volunteers commit thousands of hours of their time, putting dollars directly to work for the children. Many school budgets limit music and arts education, field trips and/or cultural events. For many children, the group's programs provide their only exposure to a live, professional musical production. Donations can be mailed to P/Arts, P.O. Box 75 Pomfret, CT 06258