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WOODSTOCK --- Jog with Judy was created in memory of colleague and friend here at the Woodstock Middle School, according to Chris Mayhew, race committee member.
Judy Nilan was a social worker here at Woodstock Middle School.  She was tragically killed while jogging near her home in Woodstock a week before Christmas in 2005.  "She was a dedicated social worker and friend to many of the people.  She would work extra hours and dedicate her time to coordinating programs to help students through the middle school experience.  She planned many school-wide events and her goal was to help the students through difficult times in their young lives and show them how to respect and care for each other.  She had many visions of other programs she wished to start in the near future.  Many programs were created to educate children and their families on character education and drug/alcohol awareness.  Unfortunately, she would not be able to make those plans come true.  We, on the other hand, believe her projects and ideas are worth keeping alive, in memory of her and for the future students who will come through our school," she said.
Other programs that have been implemented through these funds are Red Ribbon Parent Workshops, DARE graduation, MADD, Mix it UP Day, and Girl Power, which is a program designed to build self-esteem with 6th grade girls and encourage them to become active.  The Girl Empowerment group meets twice a week with their ultimate goal to feel better about themselves and participate in the upcoming Jog With Judy road race.
May 1 the community will come together to remember Judy Nilan by participating in the 5th annual Jog With Judy 5-K road race. Last year, almost 600 people participated in the race.  Some ran and many walked the course.  The funds generated from this event have been very beneficial to the staff and students at Woodstock Public Schools.  "Though Judy is not with us physically, her ambitions and ideas continue to excel within the Woodstock school system.  The programs that have and will be funded by the Jog With Judy event continue to educate our staff and students on topics not always covered in our curriculum.  Thank you to the community and all sponsors who have supported the first four Jog With Judy events," said Mayhew.
Serving on the committee with Mayhew are Susan Rioux and Jennifer Prather. The race begins at 10 a.m. near the American Legion on Roseland Park road.  More information about the race can be found at or email the committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.