Cougars start
The Connecticut AAU Cougars baseball results include:
14U - April 10 - Woodstock
Game 1
Team Mass-2 Cougars-1
LP - Danny Murphy had 9 KO’s in 4 innings pitched
Will Bourgeois pitch the last 3 innings and struck out 5 with one hit or no runs.
Game 2
Cougars-4 Team Mass-3
WP - Tyler Stucke had 7 K’s in 3 innings
Will Bourgeois pitch the last 3 innings and struck out 5 with no hits or runs
Sean Falvey went 2 for 3 with 2 RBI Jesse Alexander was 1 for 2 with a 1 RBI
Woodstock 2-2
13U - April 11 - Woodstock
Game 1
Cougars-7 Central Mass Smash-0
WP - Adam Converse and had 2 RBI
Game 2
Cougars-10 Central Mass Smash-7
WP - Travis Zurowski
McGuire Crouse, Paxton Ings, Adam Converse, JP Bergeron, Jordan Adams posted 2 hits each, Adams with a double, Justin Bouten added 3 RBI.
Sunday April 11 - Lincoln, RI
Game 1
Cougars-5 Blackstone Valley Spinners-4
Evan OConnor pitched a complete game with 12 strike outs. Alec Nystrom was MVP for the day with 11 innings behind the plate and multiple game saving stops.
Game 2
Cougars-5 Blackstone Valley Spinners-2
WP- Zach Fiedler complete game 7 KO’s
Fiedler went 1-1 with a run scored
with the bases loaded and 2 outs in the 5th Evan O’Connor made a diving catch in the outfield to end a Spinners rally. Rico Adams smashed a right center double to seal the win.
April 3 Games
Game 1 Cougars-16 West Boylston Warriors-1 ( 5 innings)
Winning Pitcher Tyler Stucke
Jesse Alexander 2 for 3 with 2 Doubles and 5 RBI
10 runs scored in the 2nd inning
Game 2 Cougars-3 West Boylston Warriors-4
Winning Pitcher Matt Powell (they only had 2 hits, singles, in the game)
Danny Murphy struck out 10
Will Bourgeois 1 double
Both teams are 1-1
Game 1 Cougars-10 Triple Play Allstars-5
Winning Pitcher Jordan Adams
Inside the park HR Paxton Ings
Game 2 Cougars-11 Triple Play Allstars-10
Winning Pitcher Kyle Newman
Game 1
Cougars-3 RI Riverdogs-9
Winning Pitcher - Adam Hernandez
Cougars - 2 hits Riverdogs - 7 hits
Game 2
Cougars-0 RI Riverdogs-8
Winning Pitcher - Kyle McCann
Cougars - 2 hits Riverdogs - 7 hits