By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
WOODSTOCK --- Woodstock Academy and town officials are working on plans for connecting the Academy to the town's sewer lines, now that almost $1.4 million in federal funding is officially reserved for the plan.
Allan D. Walker Jr., first selectman, said the plan must be solidified before it becomes a town project, eligible to use the federal funding. The town will receive a federal grant of more than $614,000 and a federal loan of $786,000 once the plan becomes an official town project, approved by voters.
The funds were made available by the U.S. Department of Agriculture through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, according to U.S. Congressman Joe Courtney.
Walker said academy's septic system is under the large common in front of the school, where commencement exercises are held each year. According to Courtney's office, the capacity of the Academy's onsite system is 6,000 gallons per day and the current flow has reached 5,800 per day.
Once ironed out and approved, sewer lines would be installed from the academy to the town's system near the Woodstock Volunteer Fire Department, not even a mile away.