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rail station
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
POMFRET ---  By the end of May a small information center reminiscent of the original Pomfret railroad station will stand in the center of northeast Connecticut.
The center, funded  by a state Small Town Economic Assistance Program grant of $100,000, sits in the spot where the original Pomfret railroad station once stood. That station burned several years ago.
First Selectman Jim Rivers said the construction should be done by the end of May and the paving around the parking lot should be finished by the end of June.
The town used the Northeast Connecticut Council of Governments' engineering services for the site plan. The small brick center, with peaked roofs, was designed by architect Frank Dziki of Dziki Associates in Brooklyn.  In addition, Rivers said, the town donated some services. The center's location is in the center of everything in northeast Connecticut. It's near the Airline Trail and the Wyndham Land Trust. The Connecticut Audubon Society at Pomfret Center's 700-plus acres is nearby, as is the town's original Town Hall, the Old Town House.
"It's in the center of Pomfret and the center of the whole northeastern Connecticut area," said Rivers. Architect Dziki was given photos of the original train station and set about mimicking what was there originally, he added. (See Then & Now, page 2)
The town may be connecting with The Last Green Valley about adding "Valley" information at the information center.