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The recent middle school track and field meet resulted in a win for St. James School. The scores were: St. James (St. J)  72; Putnam Middle (PMS)  40; St. Mary’s (St. M) 22 and Eastford Middle (EMS)  22.
Long Jump: 1st  St. J Ryan Pambuku  13’8;  2nd St. M Keiffer Roireau  13’1” ; 3rd  PMS Kristian Burke  12’8”; 4th St. J Isaac Desjardins  12’2”  5th St. J Tim Dexter 12’ even.
Shot Putt: 1st  St. J Iszach Desjardins  32’3” ; 2nd  St. M Brian Barrette  32’ ; 3rd PMS Justin Dodd 28’8”; 4th EMS Forest Stafford  28’5”;  5th St. J David Carpenter  25’3”
Discus: 1st SMS  Dominic Rovero  91’6”;  2nd  PMS Connor Corey 73’ ; 3rd PMS Zach Roethel  72’3”; 4th St. J Liam McGamon  65’2”;  5th EMS Forrest Stafford  58’8”
1600: 1st EMS  Sean Perry 5.43.54;  2nd St. J Will Gasper  5.52.82;  3rd St. J Brandon Cafferey  6.19.13; 4th St. J Ryan Pambuku 6.21.82;  5th  St. J Tim Dexter 6.36.86
400: 1st St. J Corey King  1.02.86;  2nd EMS Jason Barlow  1.08.48;  3rd  PMS Zach Brule  1.09.51; 4th PMS Skyler Randolf  1.13.13;   5th PMS Nick Lavoie  1.13.76
100: 1st St. J Ryan Pambutu  12.21;  2nd PMS Josh Simpson  12.95;  3rd PMS Connor Corey; 4th EMS Forrest Stafford  13.29;  5th St. M Brian Barrette 13.48
800: 1st  St. J Colin Renaud 2.51.16;  2nd EMS Jason Barlow  2.52.2;   3rd St. J Sean O’Brien 2.56.4; 4th PMS Tristan Desilets 3.02.6;   5th PMS Zach Roethel 3.06.6
200: 1st St. J Corey King 27.3 ; PMS Josh Simpson 28.6;  3rd  St. M Kieffer Roireau  29.0; 4th St. J Sandor Lorang  30.4;  5th PMS Kristian Burke  33.8
4x400: 1st  PMS Bruel, Lavoie, Krivosheev, Randolph  5.07.00; 2nd St. J  Caffrey, O’Brien, Dexter, Renauld  5.42.0
4x100: 1st  St. J  Gasper, Pambuko, King, McGannon 55.8; 2nd St. M Eilerman, Bellerose, Roireau, Barrett  1.02.56; 3rd EMS Strafford, Dyer, Bowen, Perry  1.04.53
1st  St. Mary’s 66  2nd St. James  62  3rd Putnam Middle School  33  4th Eastford Middle School  27.
Long Jump: 1st PMS Megan Mosely 12’1”;  2nd St. J Madeline Lorange 11’;  3rd St. J Adrienne Lorange 10’4”; 4th St. M Rachel Eilerman 10’3”; 5th St. J Elaina Becker 10’3”
Shot Putt: 1st St. M Jen Berti 33’ ; 2nd PMS Elyse Bergeron 24’2”;  3rd St. M Alisha Mitchel 23’; 4th St. J Shelby Grayer  22’;  5th Ems Sierria Goodwin 20’3”
Discus: 1st St. M Jen Berti 63’2”;  2nd St. J Morgan Harriot  42’5”;  3rd St. M Alisha Mitchel 40’7”; 4th PMS Elyse Bergeron  36’10;  5th St. M Heather Prouty  36’8”
1600: 1st EMS Lauren Perry  6.07.51;  2nd St. J Emily Becher 6.24.73;  3rd St. J Shannon McMaugh  6.55.0; 4th St. J Madeline Lorange 6.59.32;  5th St. J Karissa Slowik  7.51.23
400: 1st St. J Emily Betcher 1.10.82;  2nd EMS Kassidy Stewart 1.13.3;  3rd St. M Paisleyh Gothreau  1.13.54; 4th PMS Madeline LeDuc  1.21.20;  5th PMS Farrah Belliveau  1.30.89
800: 1st St. J Shelby Grayer  3.13.0;  2nd PMS Danielle Deojay  3.30.1;  3rd St. J Samantha Caffrey  3.33; 4th St. M Shailin Gothreau  3.33.2;  5th PMS Lydia Tourtelotte  3.48.5
200: 1st  PMS Megan Mosely  32.9;   2nd EMS Kara Singleton 33.6;  3rd EMS Kassidy Stewart  33.9; 4th St. M Rachel Eilerman  35.3;  5th EMS Amber Buell  36.6
 4x4: 1st  St. J Malbeauf, Lorange, Dugas, McMough  5.45.2; 2nd PMS Belliveau Bergeron, Ramos, LeDuc  6.09.17; 3rd St. M Gothreau,P  , Eilerman, Gothreau,S , Prouty 6.24.45
4x100: 1st St. J Lorange, Becher, Bouillard, Becher 1.03.8; 2nd EMS Singleton, Hermann, Stewart, Perry 1.09.37 .