Wed. May 5
Puppetry Exhibit
STORRS --- The Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry will present two exhibits, "Punch and Judy: Handpuppets, Politics and Humor," and "Frank and Elizabeth Haines: An American Puppet Theater in the 1930s," through Dec. 19 at the UConn campus.
Art Exhibit
POMFRET --- The Northeastern Connecticut Art Guild will have an exhibit of their artwork at the Vanilla Bean Cafe through May 3.
Photo Exhibit
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret (Rt. 169) will present a Black and White Photography Exhibit and Sale through May 30. Free. A percentage of the sales will benefit the Center at Pomfret. 860-928-4948.
Thur. May 6
Art Exhibit
POMFRET --- The Northeastern Connecticut Art Guild will have an exhibit of their artwork at Seely Brown Village through June 7 with a reception from 3 to 5 p.m. May 8. All welcome.
Fashion Show
THOMPSON --- The Day Kimball Hospital Woman's Board will hold a fund-raiser dinner and fashion show at the Raceway Restaurant. $40 per person. For tickets, drop by the Gift Shop at Day Kimball or mail checks made out to the DKH Woman's Board to Robin Paquette, 36 Terrace Dr., Thompson, CT 06277.
Fri. May 7
Spaghetti Supper
PUTNAM --- The Putnam High School Music Department will host a spaghetti supper fund-raiser from 5 to 7:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria with entertainment by the Putnam High School music students. Adults (ages 10 & up), $10; children & senior citizens, $6. Tickets at door: Adults, $12; children & senior citizens, $6. 860-933-6837.
Blood Drive
PUTNAM --- The American Red Cross will host a blood drive from 9 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. at Day Kimball Hospital in the Robert H. Field Conference Center. All donors are asked to enter the Hospital through the rear laboratory entrance. To register for an appointment call: 860-963-6384.
PUTNAM --- The Bradley Playhouse on Front Street, downtown Putnam, will present "Fiddler on the Roof" at 8 p.m. May 7, 8, 14 and 15 and at 2 p.m. May 9 and 16. $18 and $15. 860-928-7887.
Sat. May 8
Plant-Bake Sale
BROOKLYN --- The Federated Church on Rt. 6 will hold a plant and bake sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donuts and coffee
Art Show
WOODSTOCK --- The Northeastern Connecticut Art Guild will sponsor an Art Show and Sale to benefit Relay For Life from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 8 and May 9 at the Bowen Hardy House, 493 Rt. 169, Woodstock.
Book Sale
PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam downtown will hold a book sale from 8 a.m. to noon. 860-928-4405.
Fishing Derby
PUTNAM --- The annual Noe Poulin Putnam Rotary Club Fishing Derby will be held at Rotary Park. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the derby runs through noon. The age groups are: 5 and under age group; 6-9 age group; 10-12 age group; 13-16 age group.
Plant Sale
WOODSTOCK --- Roseland Cottage hosts the Woodstock Area Garden Club’s annual plant sale from 9 a.m. to noon. Benefits scholarships for local students. The “Bowen’s Boxwoods” will also be for sale. Roseland Cottage museum is open for first floor tours during the plant sale. $4, adults; $3, seniors; $2, students. Children under 12 admitted free.
Bean Supper
ABINGTON --- The Abington Congregational Church on Rt. 97 will hold a bean hole bean supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Adults, $10; under 12, $4; pre-school admitted free. Tickets in advance: 860-974-1748.
Nature Program
HAMPTON --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present a bird walk at 8 a.m. at Trail Wood Center on Kenyon Road. Free to members. $5 for nonmembers. Pre-register: 860-928-4948.
Sun. May 9
Happy Mother's Day!
Nature Program
HAMPTON --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present a Sunday Afternoon Walk at 2 p.m. at the Trail Wood site off Kenyon Road. 860-928-4948.
Mom Breakfast
N. GROSVENORDALE --- Cub Scout Pack 29 will hold a Mother's Day Breakfast from 7 to 11 a.m. at the Knight sof Columbus Hall on Riverside Drive. $7. 860-923-2967.
Tues. May 11
Heifer Meeting
PUTNAM --- A Heifer Community Meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Putnam Public Library.
THOMSPON --- SHARE, LISTEN, LEARN & CONNECT! Grandparents with grandchildren visitation issues are encouraged to attend from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Thompson Public Library. RSVP: 860-928-4967.
Woodstock Seniors
WOODSTOCK --- The Woodstock Seniors group will hold the following in the Town Hall, lower level, this week: Exercises, 9 to 10 a.m. May 11 and 13; arts and crafts, 9:30 to 11 a.m. May 12; cards/dominoes, 1 to 4 p.m. May 12.
Wed. May 12
Blood Pressure Clinic
WOODSTOCK --- Day Kimball Hospital will hold a free blood pressure clinic from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Woodstock Town Hall, lower level.
Thur. May 13
Nature Program
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present an afternoon bird walk at 5 p.m. $5 for members; $10 nonmembers. 860-928-4948.
Nature Program
HAMPTON --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present a bird walk at 8 a.m. at Trail Wood Center. Free to members. $5 for nonmembers. 860-928-4948.
Fund-raiser Concert
THOMPSON --- The Thompson Historical Society will present an historical concert at 7 p.m. at the new public schools' auditorium. It will feature patriotic music and will benefit the restoration of the 1842 Town Hall. $5 for adults; kids under 12 admitted free. 860-923-3776.
Fri. May 14
Open House
KILLINGLY --- The Killingly MOMS Club of Putnam and Killingly is holding an Open House from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Owen Bell Park. Face painting, bubbles, parachute play, sidewalk chalk and Bella the Clown plus a community service project: collecting used or broken crayons for Crayons for the Cancer. 860-779-0658.