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Double Winners
May 14 The Putnam High School team walked away with both awards in the QVCC 7th annual High School Plastics Expo. This entrepreneurial exercise pairs teams of high school students with representatives from local plastics companies to create and develop a new product.  Participating schools, companies & product included: * H.H. Ellis Technical High School & Plas-Pak Industries, Inc., Norwich, Tech Tiles; * Putnam High School & PolyMedex Discovery Group, Putnam, A.M.P., Anti-Microbial Multi-faceted Pen; * Tourtellotte Memorial High School & Web Industries Hartford, Inc., Dayville, Stick Appeal; * Woodstock Academy & Putnam Precision Molding, Inc., Putnam, The Doggie Donut Frisbee.Putnam students won the Judge’s Choice Award and the People’s Choice Award. Also, the Quinebaug Valley Plastics Institute awarded a $500 merit scholarship to Kyle Livenitch of Plainfield. The event is sponsored by the Quinebaug Valley Plastics Institute (QVPI), the Eastern Workforce Investment Board and QVCC College Career Pathways.