Category: Past Issues

as Eagle
PUTNAM --- Daniel Gaucher recently was honored in the Boy Scout Eagle Court of Honor May 15. Daniel started on his scouting trail in 1999 as a Tiger Cub with Pack 24 and crossed over to Troop 21 in 2004. It took him 10 years to achieve the rank of Eagle and he had his Board of Review Jan. 18. Daniel has moved on to Crew 25, Putnam, Ct. as a Venture Scout.
His Eagle project was building a bridge over Wheaton Brook near Murphy Park. Putnam Mayor Bob Viens will be issuing a proclamation from the town to Daniel. The plaque on the project says, "Dan Gaucher Troop 21, Putnam, Ct. Eagle Project.“
His two older brothers had both earned their Eagle ranks before him, Roland (April 29, 2003 ) and Mathew (December 5, 2003 ). He is the son of Diane and Roland Gaucher. "Having one son earning Eagle is great, but having three do it is unusual event and makes me very proud on all of them," said Diane Gaucher.