Category: Past Issues

PUTNAM --- Putnam Bank continues to co-sponsor Opera al Fresco in Putnam along with Wheelabrator Putnam, Inc.
This year’s performance is ‘A Romantic Evening of Opera in Putnam with Music Director Brian Sparks’ and offers both novice and seasoned opera lovers a truly unique program featuring some of the most beloved Italian Opera arias, duets, trios and quartets from Mozart, Verdi, Rossini and Bernstein. The performance is held outdoors at Rotary Park overlooking the Quinebaug River and is performed by the Hartford Festival Orchestra, and the Hartford Festival Singers under the direction of Brian Sparks.
The event takes place at 7:30 p.m. July 17 (rain date: July 18). It is free. Riverfire follows.
“At Putnam Bank, we see Opera al Fresco not only as an opportunity to support the community with a cultural event, but also as a way to support our local businesses and restaurants,” said Thomas A. Borner, chairman and CEO of Putnam Bank.  “The talent of the performers draws people to visit our community, and while they’re here, many of them visit our local businesses.  So in addition to being able to enjoy a beautiful moonlit evening of Opera, we can enjoy it in a way that also celebrates and supports our local business community.  As a community bank, we are proud to support these dual community benefits by co-sponsoring Opera al Fresco.”