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PUTNAM --- Day Kimball Healthcare announces that AnnMarie DeMerchant, RRT, in the Respiratory Therapy department, is Day Kimball Hospital’s December Employee of the Month.
“I’m completely ‘Wow’d’ to be employee of the month,” said DeMerchant. “It’s really an incredible honor and I am thankful that others recognize the work that we do in our department.”
DeMerchant has been a registered respiratory therapist at Day Kimball for nearly 22 years. She assists people who have breathing problems throughout the hospital including those who need breathing treatments or need to be placed on breathing machines. She also facilitates the Better Breathing Club support group, runs the Asthma Solutions Clinic with Dr. Day and works in the Pediatric Center on Wednesday afternoons running an asthma education program for children and their parents who are affected by asthma.
DeMerchant received her associate’s degree in respiratory therapy from Manchester Community College. Currently living in Eastford with her husband, DeMerchant’s hobbies include quilting, gardening and snowmobiling.
“AnnMarie is a true team player,” said John O’Keefe, director of Respiratory Therapy. “She’s flexible, compassionate and knowledgeable, and has a great positive can-do attitude.”
Crediting much of her success to her coworkers, DeMerchant said, “Working as a team is a really important part of being an RRT. We always have to work together in order to keep everything running smoothly.”