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Gloria L. Cutler receives the Crystal Apple award from Tom Singleton of the teachers' association. Courtesy photo.

WOODSTOCK --- Former teacher Gloria L. Cutler was awarded the Crystal Apple award recently.
The award, from the Association for Retired Teachers of Connecticut, is a tribute to Moe Nierenstein who was a former president of the group and former retired teachers on the board. Cutler is the first recipient of the award. It is given annually to a retired teacher who is both a member of a local association and the state association. The retiree must be an active volunteer contribution to the local community and the state.
After her first career as a nurse, she served as an elementary school teacher and a mentor and presenter of workshops. She served on various state and local education-oriented committees throughout her teaching career. She has also served her community with the Red Cross, the 1990-91 Northeast YMCA Board of Directors, her church, Roseland Cottage. She also is a volunteer worker on election day.