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link in the
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- By summer, town officials anticipate that another link in the nature trail chain will be joined.
At a recent town meeting residents approved spending $10,000 for an easement that would allow the town to link together two sections of the Airline Trail. The property sits on the west side of the Quinebaug, near the Medal of Honor footbridge off Kennedy Drive.
Town Administrator Douglas M. Cutler said after the easement is signed with the property owner, the trail will be joined and improved.
The easement covers 17 acres. It is 1 mile long and ranges in width from 50 feet to 100 feet across.
Cutler said some of the trail is already "trail like," but other parts need to be cleared and leveled.
The town will be using a state recreational trails grant that totals $105,755 and a $3,000 grant from The Last Green Valley.
The town's contribution is in-kind and includes materials and labor.
Parts of the trail moguls created by bicyclists.  The whole trail link will be leveled out and parts will be cleared. Cutler said stone dust will be installed, as will fencing.
Cutler said they hope the trail will be finished by June 30.