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Girl Scouts recently received Silver Awards. Left to right: Ruth Maerkel, Emma Miller, Taylor Randolph. Maerkel's sister Abigail stands behind her. Courtesy photo.

KILLINGLY --- In November three Senior Girl Scouts from Troop 65005 received their Silver Award.  Ruth Maerkel, Emma Miller, and Taylor Randolph earned their Silver Award, which is the second highest award in Girl Scouting.  Each girl was expected to complete several prerequisites that included leadership, career exploration, and many activities that required the girls to look within themselves to find their talents and strengths.  The final activity included a 40 hour project.  Each girl had to plan publicity, advertising, and had to speak in front of several groups of people looking for support of their project.  Ruth’s project consisted of collecting pet supplies for the NECCOG Animal Shelter and Passion for Paws.  For her efforts, Ruth was able to collect hundreds of pounds of food, cat litter, blankets, towels, and other supplies needed by these organization.  Taylor and Emma worked together to create Operation Homefront, which was a to collect items for local troops serving over in Afghanistan.  Taylor’s project was collecting personal items, entertainment, and snacks for the troops.  Emma’s project required her to work with younger children in the community to create cards, bookmarks, and crafts to send to the troops as reminders of home.
All three girls are freshmen at Killingly High School.
 The three girls planned their own ceremony, and they invited the younger girls from the service unit to attend.  There was a candle ceremony that all girl scouts in attendance were invited to take part.  Emma received her Silver Award from her mother, Amy Miller.  Taylor received her Silver Award from her mother, Melissa Randolph.  Ruth received her Silver Award from her sister, Abigail Maerkel who is also a Silver Award recipient.  All three girls received their 10-year pin which is given for 10 years of girl scouting.  In addition to receiving their Silver and 10 year Awards, State Representative Mae Flexer had special state proclamations for each girl.