PHS girls
power way
to Citizens
PUTNAM --- In the 2010 Citizens National Bank Clipper Classic first round Dec. 28, the Putnam Clippers won over Parish Hill 32-26. Putnam was led by Ashley Espinosa with 17 points and Erin Konicki with nine.
Tourtellotte won over Killingly by a score of 45-31.
Dec. 29 Killingly won in the consolation game over Parish Hill by a score of 61 to 35.
Putnam took the championship game, 39 to 28, over Tourtellotte.
Putnam was led by Christie Austin with 14 points and Erin Konicki with 10.
Team records include: Putnam, 6-0; Killingly, 1-6; Parish Hill, 2-6 and Tourtellotte, 2-5.
The All- Academic Team included: TMHS Stefanie Faucher, KHS Alicia Gambitistta, Parish Hill Lindsay Forostoski, PHS Erin Konicki.
The All-Tourney Team included: TMHS Liz McKinley, Killingly Megan Robinson and Devin Hill, Putnam Erin Konicki and Regan Guillot
Putnam's Austin was named the tournament outstanding player.