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Alittle Uneven
During last year's event: Ricky "Seven Footer" Lopes vs. Lindsay "Barely Five Footer" Puliafico. Courtesy photo.

WOODSTOCK — The Harlem Superstars are a talented group of basketball players whose main mission in life is to inform and entertain children with their families through an exciting game of show-time basketball.  The Superstars will face the Team Woodstock Wildcats All Stars at 7 p.m. Jan. 14 at the Woodstock Academy Field House.
Tickets are $8 and are available at: Woodstock Middle School, Woodstock Elementary School, and Sweet Evalina’s Stand or for $10 at the door. For info call Steve Adams at 928-6528 (days) or 974-0728 (eves), Glenn Converse at 923-3343, or Doug Cutler at 974-1144.
Members of the Woodstock Wildcats All-Star Team will consist of Woodstock Public Schools faculty and staff  including WMS Principal Paul Gamache; Lindsay Puliafico, John Ywarsky, Deb Crawford, Ruth Ambrozaitas, Sue Swan, Katie Adams, Allison Depasse, Nancy Zurawka, Bob Ives, Janet Abbott, Lisa Foisy, Stacey Fleeker, Susan Rioux, Terri Creedon and Aaron Murray and more. The coaching staff  includes WMS Nurse Donna Mullen and WES Nurse Grace Johnson.
This exciting event is being produced, promoted, and sponsored by the Woodstock Middle School 8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip Committee, with all net proceeds going to the support of this June’s trip. Dancing, high-five’s and autograph sessions, are just some of the fan interaction one will be party to at this exciting event.

 The Superstars halftime show includes the children by bringing them out of the stands to participate for a chance to win a prize and a laugh or two!  These amazing athletes show-time dunks, Chicken dances, razzmatazz passing, and exciting tricks will keep one on the edge of the seat…wondering what is going to happen next!  This is comedy basketball, and The Harlem Superstars offer something for everyone to enjoy.  From Sports Center Top Ten Type Slam dunks, to Half-court shots, and practical jokes; the Superstars offer a unique combination of basketball skills, comedy and audience participation!