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POMFRET --- The Town of Pomfret Recreation Department will once again offer a $500 college scholarship for community service to the town. 
Any current senior in high school, a student enrolled as a post graduate in high school (full time) or an undergraduate in college (min. 9 credits per semester) may apply.  You must have lived in Pomfret for a minimum of 5 years.  Community service must have been performed within the town.
You can find the application on the Town of Pomfret website at, click on Government, Recreation Commission and scroll down to locate  or call the Recreation Department to have it mailed to you.  It must be completed and received by the Rec. Department no later than May 6.  The award will be announced in June. For information call Barbara Gagnon at the Pomfret Rec. office at 974-1423 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.