PUTNAM — The Last Green Valley, Inc. is calling on all residents to show their support and light up green during its week-long Green Light Celebration Jan. 23 through 29. The Green Light Celebration kicks off from 4 to 6 p.m. Jan. 23 at Rotary Park. Rotary Park will be adorned with green lights and there will be music, snowman-building contests, refreshments and fun. All are invited to attend the celebration and to share their thoughts about what makes The Last Green Valley special. Local artists are encouraged to create snow sculptures, too.
TLGV recently kicked-off its One True Color: Green Light Campaign to raise $100,000 to support its work. It has been working with town officials, local businesses and private residents to change out at least one light bulb with a green-colored, energy-efficient bulb as a way to build awareness of the organization. TLGV also hopes to encourage new memberships to sustain the vital work of conserving and enhancing the 35 towns of The Last Green Valley.
“Now that the holidays have passed, and spring seems so far away, we felt this was the perfect time of year to initiate such a unique campaign and to brighten up the dismal nights of winter,” said Charlene Cutler, executive director. “And thus far, the outpouring of interest and support has been tremendous.”
The Last Green Valley is the popular name given to the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National Heritage Corridor that encompasses nearly 1,100 square miles in northeastern Connecticut and south-central Massachusetts and is notable for its distinctive and rural quality of life in the midst of tremendous growth from Boston to Washington, D.C. The Last Green Valley remains 78 percent forest and farmlands; it is the third largest watershed draining into Long Island Sound; it has over 100 clean lakes, ponds, rivers and streams, seven state forests and five state parks, 16 wildlife management areas, 100s of miles of hiking and water trails, and 1,000s of acres of preserved open space.
TLGV was established as a federally funded organization in 1994, but this funding is scheduled to cease in 2015. Therefore, as the only grass-roots organization that can speak on behalf of the entire valley, TLGV must become self-sustaining through the support of residents and businesses that live, work, and play here. The Green Light Campaign goal of $100,000 is the first step towards self-sustainability so that TLGV can continue to provide a voice for our beautiful valley.
For more information about how you can get involved please visit: www.thelastgreenvalley.org or call 860-774-3300. The Last Green Valley: It’s Where You Live and It Belongs to You!