Kitchen Witches
The Cast and Crew of the Bradley Playhouse's "The Kitchen Witches," include, back row: Kathleen Lundy (stage manager), Nicholas Magrey (director), Valerie Coleman (Isobel), Charle Marlborough (Dolly), Derek Broszeit (Stephen). Front: Sharon Starr (Roberta), Casey Bessette.
PUTNAM — Suffering from cabin fever? The Theatre of Northeastern Connecticut at the Bradley Playhouse on Front Street, downtown, has just the thing to shake you out of your mid-winter blahs. Insults, flatware and food get flung during our production of Caroline Smith’s hilarious comedy “The Kitchen Witches,” which opens Jan. 28 and runs for three weekends.
Performances are at the new earlier time, at 7 p.m. Jan. 28, 29 and Feb. 4, 5, 11 and 12 and at 2 p.m. Jan. 30 and Feb. 6 and 13. Tickets are $17 for adults and $14 for seniors and students.
Reservations: w/ major credit card online at, or call 928-7887. Tickets: Wonderland Books and Victoria Station Café and at the door. In keeping with the food theme, please bring a nonperishable food item to help fill the caldron which will be donated to Daily Bread.
TV cooking shows have become wildly popular and their stars household names – Julia Child, Rachael Ray, Dolly Biddle, Isobel Lomax… You don’t recognize Dolly and Isobel? Well then, you must come to the Bradley and meet them. Dolly and Isobel are “mature” cable-access cooking show hostesses who have hated each other for over 30 years. When they both find their shows cancelled, their only choice is to work together on a new show called “The Kitchen Witches.”
“The Kitchen Witches” TV show is performed before a live studio audience --- that’s you. Charle Marlborough is the always over-the-top Dolly Biddle; Valerie Coleman as the Cordon Bleu trained Isobel Lomax. Derek Broszeit brings Stephen to life. Then there is Roberta, the production assistant/camera person, who is skillfully created by Sharon Starr. Nicholas Magrey is the director and Kathleen Lundy serves as stage manager. Jennifer Magrey is in charge of marketing and costumes are crafted by Cathy Schora, Patricia Green and Nancy Scholl. Jeanne Foley is executive producer.