Local postmasters are asking that customers help keep walkways and curbside mailboxes clear of snow and ice to help carriers do their jobs.
Putnam Postmaster James Kearns said carriers "continue to struggle with providing safe, efficient delivery of mail to all local mailboxes" following record snowfalls.
"The Postal Service treats safety and service with equal priority," he said. "We need your help to provide the service you expect as we keep our letter carriers safe."
Kearns said carriers are not able to "attempt door delivery when there is a heavy buildup of snow and ice on sidewalks, steps or porches."
Kearns said carriers are "still experiencing difficulty" with snowy paths and iced steps, which slows delivery. Street side delivery is also running slow.
He added that letter carriers are not allowed to get out of their vehicles for curbside mailboxes blocked by snow and ice buildup. Snow should be cleared, he said, for several feet on both sides of the mailbox so the carrier can approach and leave without backing up.
"This will permit the carrier to drive up to your mailbox and deposit or collect mail without leaving the vehicle. The approach to and exit from the mailbox should be cleared sufficiently on both sides to allow the carrier to drive ahead and not be required to back up after delivery," he said.
Kearns added that when there's a warmup and snow and ice melt, they do refreeze, making cleared sidewalks "slicker than ever."
"That's why we look for the cooperation of our communities and our customers to help keep that pathway to the mailbox clear in all weather."