POMFRET --- Jan. 17, while many high schools had the day off in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, members of the Pomfret School community gathered together for a special chapel service in honor of Dr. King’s legacy. Highlighted by readings, song, a moment to listen to Dr. King’s moving words from his “We Shall Overcome” speech and a presentation by school chaplain Bobby Fisher, students and faculty were offered time to reflect on Dr. King’s mission.
Later in the evening, students and faculty were encouraged to come out to Pomfret’s peace pole for a candlelight vigil. A touchingly silent 10 minutes together was made even more profound when students started to place their candles at the base of the peace pole. The vigil ended with everyone taking a moment to pass the peace, with a handshake or hug, to those around them. It was an inspiring way to honor Dr. King’s legacy, and a time that many members of Pomfret School will treasure.