Pictured from left to right: Pam Kinder, United Community & Family Services; Kevin Merchant, Jewett City Savings Bank Foundation President; Lynn Brodeur and Ron Coderre, Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Connecticut. Courtesy photo.
JEWETT CITY --- Jewett City Savings Bank Foundation has awarded a total of $3,300 in support of existing and emerging charitable causes in the community.
The Foundation awarded the sum of $2,000 to United Community & Family Services to help offset the costs of care for uninsured local women accessing women¹s health services at the organization¹s location in Jewett City. In Brooklyn, a $1,000 grant from the Foundation will be used toward the purchase and installation of windows for a house to be built by Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Connecticut.
A donation of $300 from the Foundation to Connecticut Lions Charities, Inc. will help defray the costs involved in chartering the Plainfield T.C. Lions Club as a charitable fund-raising organization.
Grants awarded by the Jewett City Savings Bank Foundation in the most recent round of funding totaled $26,300, and were distributed to a variety of community initiatives in the bank¹s marketplace. The foundation has provided a total of nearly $50,000 in grant funding for 2010.