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PUTNAM — At the January graduation ceremonies at Mike Bogdanski’s Martial Arts, the following students were promoted:
Green Tiger: Connor Dunkley; Orange Dragon: Ryan Ferdman Jr.; Blue Dragon: Hayden Carlson, Colin Lanctot ; Orange: Coady Bell, Andrew Charaba, Courtney Ennis, Zachary Paige, Jeffrey Reed Jr.; Blue Child: Tyler Rankin, Kiera O’Brien, Ashley Scott, Mike Scott, Olivia Cuha, Abigail Blais, Kevin MacDonald; Blue-Green: Emma Durand, Brandon Ennis, Jakob Leon; Green-White: Magdalena Chzaszcz, Matthew Chzaszcz; Green: Eric Nocera; Green-Red: Tanner Clark, AJ Williams, Allie Wesler; Green-Black: Jacob Horner, David May; 3 Stripe Green: Shawn Brainard; 1 Stripe Blue; Ryan Bishop; Apprentice Black: Harrison Frost.