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New Members
The new members of the QVCC Foundation include, front row, left to right: Judy Haines, Donna Lefevre, Cindy Sebrell. Back: George Lakatzis, Peter Deary, Bill Anderson, Dr. Murray Buttner. Courtesy photo.

DANIELSON --- The Quinebaug Valley Community College Foundation recently welcomed seven new members. Foundation President, Sean B. Doyle, ’98, ’02 said, "We are looking forward to continuing the good work the Foundation does with the addition of this talented, committed group.”
William E. Anderson, Jr. is Senior Vice President, Retail Banking, The Savings Institute Bank & Trust Company.  He has been employed at Savings Institute Bank & Trust Company since 1995.  He serves on the Board of Directors for Natchaug Hospital and is a Corporator of Windham Hospital.  He resides in Windham with his partner Timothy Grogan.
Dr. Murrary Buttner, is a family practice physician who runs Quiet Corner Family Practice, Pomfret, CT. Dr. Buttner is a Board Certified Family Physician, trained at the Medical School of Columbia University with an internship in Internal Medicine-Pediatrics at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York City and a two year residency at the Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. He lives in Pomfret with his wife and two children.
Peter Deary, president and owner of Sunnyside Farms Convenience Stores and president and co-owner of Deary’s Gymnastics Supply with his brother John Deary. Mr. Deary is a member of the Northeastern Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, serving as Vice-President on the board. He also serves as Vice-Chair on the Citizens National Bank Board of Directors in Putnam, is a former board member with Day Kimball Hospital, serves as a Deacon and Chairman of the Council at the First Congregational Church of Pomfret and on the Board of Directors of the Foundation Good Samaritan in Action, which raises money for clinics in Haiti. Deary resides with his wife, Kimberly in Pomfret and they have two children.
Judy Haines, is the Office Manager and owner of Friendly Spirits, Danielson for 37 years. Haines volunteers for many local organizations including Danielson Rotary, Day Kimball Hospital Womens Board and Habitat for Humanity. She is also a member of Business Networking International.  Haines and her husband Nick live in Putnam. They are parents of two grown children and proud grandparents of two. 
George Lakatzis, was the owner of George’s Galley, Danielson, for more than 30 years. Lakatzis came to the United States from Greece in 1962. He has been an active member of the Danielson community serving on the Killingly housing authority, the Danielson Exchange and is the President of the Greek community. During the season, he enjoys golfing at Quinnattisset Country Club.
Donna Lefevre, ’74, ‘91 served as the Executive Assistant to Quinebaug Valley Community College President Emeritus Dianne E. Williams. Lefevre is retired from the college after 35 years of service.  She also worked in community services and the academic dean’s office. Besides being a graduate of QVCC, she received her Bachelor of General Studies from Eastern Connecticut State University in 2000. Lefevre is a resident of Pomfret and serves as an associate member of the Pomfret Ambulance Service and a member of the Executive Board.
Cindy Sebrell, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Strategist of ITEM Creative, Putnam. Sebrell offers 15 years of experience in public and media relations, strategic communications and marketing, website strategy and development, creative content development, and proven brand-building techniques. ITEM Creative opened their office in Putnam in May 2009. Sebrell and her husband live in Thompson.
The QVCC Foundation was founded in 1971 and raises funds so that all residents of northeastern Connecticut are provided the opportunity to attend QVCC.