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THOMPSON --- Marianapolis Drama Club will perform the comedy “Southern Hospitality” at 7 p.m. March 4 and 5 and at 2 p.m. March 6 in the school’s Irwin Family Black Box Theatre. 
The play is a comedy about four sisters, The Futrelle Sisters, and their antics to save their dying town in Fayro, Texas, from extinction by convincing a salsa manufacturing plant to relocate there. The sisters make promises to woo the company, including creating a fictitious annual celebration called “Fayro Days,” which includes a craft show, a pet costume parade, a beauty pageant and a huge Civil War battle reenactment. So now it’s up to the citizens of Fayro to quickly make “Fayro Days” a reality despite hilarious hurdles and the personal problems of the townfolk. “Southern Hospitality” is the third play in the trilogy by playwrights Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten. The Marianapolis production is directed by Marianapolis faculty Michelle Parker and Joseph Parodi.
Performances are open to the public. Since seating is limited to 70 per performance, please reserve your tickets by calling the main office at 860-923-9565, or stop by during school hours. Admission is $3 per person or $5 per couple, and the proceeds will benefit the school’s Appalachia fund-raising efforts.