Attorney general's
office next on
approval list
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- Putnam is one step closer to owning the former National Guard Armory on Keech Street after the state Properties Review Board approved transferring the property to the town.
Senate President Donald E. Williams Jr. (D-Brooklyn) said development of site will help Putnam and local economy. The review board OK'd the transfer, which was originally authorized in September 2009.
“I’m pleased that the action we took in 2009 is about to start paying real dividends for Putnam,” said Senator Williams. “Taxpayers won’t have to pay for costly brand-new construction but the town will still gain access to a new asset. There’s no question that the redevelopment of this site is a creative and efficient way of strengthening Putnam’s economy and continuing the renaissance which is already underway.”
The Attorney General’s office must still approve the transfer, before the Town of Putnam can officially take ownership of the Armory.
The 3.56 acre property will be conveyed to Putnam from the Military Department. The town hopes to use the property for offices and other municipal uses.
After the town tested the building and property for hazardous and toxic substances, townspeople recently approved spending $500 for the official transfer.
An estimated $150,000 would be needed to do some cleanup inside the building. Currently a special committee is ready to study the best uses for the parcel. Uses for the property are restricted to municipal and recreational.
Putnam Mayor Bob Veins praised the plan when it was first approved by the General Assembly.
“This is just another piece of property that the town can add to its arsenal to continue to make Putnam a great place to live, work and play.”
The Army National Guard’s 250th Engineering Battalion moved out several years ago. The building is near the town’s schools and Murphy Park.