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PUTNAM --- Heidi Blackmar, a nine-year Day Kimball Healthcare employee and cancer survivor, hosted the annual “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party” in an effort to collect new hats and scarves to be given to patients of Day Kimball’s Oncology Department.
“Donating hats is one way to show our community how much the employees care about their wellbeing,” said Pat Hedenberg, Day Kimball Healthcare event and appeals manager. “This event is a classic example of how members of our community and our organization will support those in need.”
Blackmar is a breast cancer survivor and found great comfort in wearing hats and scarves when she began to lose her hair. The inspiration for this hat and scarf collection party happened when Blackmar’s hair began falling out after her chemotherapy treatments.
If you would like to donate new hats or scarves collections will continue through April 20 in a bin outside of the Day Kimball Hospital cafeteria.