Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
The April 2011 billing of water and / or sewer collections for the Town of Putnam WPCA is due and payable on April 1, 2011 through May 2, 2011.
Payments made after May 2, 2011 will be subject to an Interest charge of 3% (1.5% per month) or $2.00 minimum whichever is higher, according to Connecticut State Statute SEC. 12-146.
Mail must be postmarked no later than May 2, 2011 to avoid interest charges.
Monday through Friday, 8AM – 4:30 PM
Closed Friday, April 22, 2011
March 24, 2011
April 6, 2011
April 28, 2011
Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Notice is hereby given that a certified copy of the audit of the Town of Pomfret for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010, prepared by Marien & Company, LLC, Certified Public Accountants & Advisors, 124 New London Turnpike, Norwich, Connecticut 06360, was filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of Pomfret on April 4, 2011. In compliance with the requirements of section 7-394 of the Connecticut Statutes, said audit is on file for public inspection in said office at Five Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut.
Dated at Pomfret,
This 4th day of
April, 2011
Cheryl A. Grist,
Town Clerk
of Pomfret
April 6, 2011
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Notice of
Public Hearing
APRIL 13, 2011
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter VII, Section 5 of the Putnam Town Charter, the Board of Finance of the Town of Putnam will hold a public hearing in the auditorium of the Putnam Middle School, 33 Wicker Street, (Israel Putnam Way) Putnam, Connecticut, on estimates of the revenues and expenditures of the Town of Putnam for fiscal year July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2011 on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
All persons who wish to speak on any item in the proposed budget for fiscal year 2011-2012, or who may wish to recommend consideration by the governing officials of additional items or the rejection of items will be heard.
Copies of the detailed budgets for the General Government, Library, Board of Education, and Town Aid Roads will be available in the Mayor’s Office, Town Clerk’s Office, and the Board of Education on Monday, April 4, 2011.
Anthony Falzarano,
Board of Finance
April 6, 2011
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Board
of Appeals
The Town of Putnam Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a meeting on April 19, 2011, at 7:00 P.M. at the Putnam Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT. A public hearing will be held on the following:
Appeal # 2011-002: Cooper’s Realty, LLC — Request for a variance from Section 730 “Schedule of Dimensional Regulations” of the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations to reduce the 100’ front yard setback to 57’ and the 100’ rear yard setback to 2’. Property located at 146 Park Road. Town Assessor’s Map 045, Lot 018. Zoned Industrial. The applicant is proposing an expansion of the existing outdoor deck.
Joseph Nash,
April 6, 2011
April 14, 2011
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission will hold a meeting on April 20, 2011, at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT. A public hearing will be held on the following:
Docket # 2011-01: David Dinerman — Request for a zone change for property located at 51 Pomfret Street, most recently occupied by the Furniture Place and Calli Salon, be placed into the Industrial Heritage Overlay District (IHOD) for purposes of future development for retail and commercial use. Town Assessor’s Map 015, Lot 058. Zoned C-3.
Patricia Hedenberg,
April 6, 2011
April 14, 2011