Thur. April 14
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Senior Center on Mashamoquet Road will present a program on "Superfoods" at 7 p.m. Refreshments available.
Fri. April 15
Bradley Playhouse
PUTNAM --- The Bradley Playhouse on Rt. 44, downtown, will present "Chicago" at 7 p.m. April 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, and 30 and at 2 p.m. April 17, 24 and May 1. $20 for adults; $17 for students/senior citizens. 928-7887.
PUTNAM --- The Black Box Theatre will present "Jesus Christ Superstar" at 8 p.m. April 15 and 16 and at 2 p.m. April and 17 at The Complex Performing Arts Centre on Front Street. $18. 963-7170.
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Senior Center on Mashamoquet Road will present Gary Ayers doing a guitar performance at 5:30 p.m. Free. Refreshments available.
WOODSTOCK --- Hyde School will present a guest speaker, Hara Marano, author of "A Nation of Wimps," at 7 p.m. at the Cultural Center. Free. All welcome. 963-4763.
Sat. April 16
Polish Supper
PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam will hold a Polish Supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Adults $9/ $5 for kids 12 and younger. 928-4405.
Kid Health Day
PUTNAM --- A Healthy Kids Day event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Putnam Middle School. It is free and is sponsored by the Regional Community YMCA. It includes health information, games and activities. 466-0634.
Open House
POMFRET --- The Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp is holding an Open House from 2 to 4 p.m. April 16 and April 17 at the camp on Taft Pond Road. At 1 p.m. April 16 a Parent Panel on the benefits of the camp will be presented. 974-3379.
Clean Up
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Green Team will hold its annual "Celebrate Earth Day Road Side Clean Up." 974-1011.
THOMPSON --- Bruce Schwab, a sailor and two-time solo circumnavigator, will speak at 9:10 a.m. in the Marianapolis school chapel. In honor of Earth Day, Schwab will talk and show footage of his solo trips sailing around the world. All welcome. Free. 923-9565.
Steak Dinner
EASTFORD --- The Eastford Independent Fire Company No. 1 Inc. will hold an all-you-can-eat steak dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the firehouse. $15. No tickets at the door. 974-0256.
'Neil Diamond'
N. GROSVENORDALE --- The K of C Council 2087 will present Simply Diamond, a Neil Diamond tribute act, after a 6 p.m. dinner at the K of C Hall on Riverside Drive. Benefits the council. $25. Tickets at K of C Hall and Oliver's Music in Danielson.
Donation Collections
POMFRET --- Collection of donations for the 57th Annual Windham County 4-H Auction and Tag Sale start today. The auction and tag sale will be May 6 and 7. Household goods, furniture, electronics, books, plants, gift certificates are all gratefully accepted (no used clothing please). 974-3379.
Sun. April 17
PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam will present a Palm Sunday Ecumenical Concert at 3 p.m. Reception follows. Free will donation. 928-4405.
Art Exhibit
POMFRET --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "The Nature of Things" art exhibit and sale through May 31. Opening is from 2 to 4 p.m. at April 17 at the center on Rt. 169. 928-4948.
WILLIMANTIC --- The Willimantic Orchestra will present its spring concert at 3 p.m. at the Eastern Connecticut State University Shafer Auditorium. Free. Donations welcome. 228-4008.
Tues. April 19
Woodstock Seniors
WOODSTOCK --- The Woodstock Seniors will present the following programs this week in the lower level of the Town Hall: Exercises, 9 to 10 a.m. April 19 and 21; arts and crafts, 9:30 to 11 a.m. April 20; dominoes, 1 to 4 p.m. April 20.
Wed. April 20
Pomfret Seniors
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Seniors will present "The Reader" at 1:30 at the center on Mashamoquet Road. 928-7459.