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Trash sticker
program 'refresher'
PUTNAM --- All residents using the Town of Putnam Curbside Pick-Up Program must be sure to affix the proper trash sticker on the appropriate size trash bag.
All 13-20 gallon-sized trash bags must have a green .50 cent sticker and all 30-35 gallon-sized trash bags must have a red $1 sticker on them.
These are the only size trash bags to be used to dispose of trash and the correct sticker for the trash bag must be used regardless of how full the trash bag is. Two green stickers may be used to make up a $1 sticker.
Please do not tear stickers in half and put on half full trash bags or trash will not be picked up.
Please do not put green stickers on 30-35 gal. trash bags or your trash will not be picked up.
When the  appropriate sticker is put on your trash, it will be picked up the following week on your regular trash day. If you have any questions please call the Hot Line at 860-963-6818.