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Spring Family Weekend brought 300 guests to Rectory, and among them were the  Murphy Family:  (Front row) Anna and Jacob Murphy. Back: Pam and Ray Murphy, Dan Murphy, Phyllis Jacobs, and Emily Murphy. Mary Lou Seaward photo.

Dominic Durand is delighted to show his grandmother, Claire Durand, what he is learning in the second grade class at Rectory. Courtesy photo.

School Fair
The Second Annual Secondary School Fair gave eighth-grade students, like Vaughan Kavanaugh, and parents the opportunity to meet admissions officers from 60 schools and begin the process to find the right school to attend after ninth-grade graduation. Claudia Ricci photo.

POMFRET --- Hundreds visited the Rectory School's annual Spring Family Weekend. Originally organized by Dawn Chmura, director of Annual Giving,  the name was changed last year from Grandparents' Day to Spring Family Weekend.
Last weekend Rectory had 300 guests who enjoyed a musical program mid-morning by the middle school orchestra and cast from the spring musical, Alice in Wonderland.  After lunch the elementary school performed a musical program for their guests. 
Despite the chill April 16, students and guests who cheered the faculty vs. ninth grader volley ball game, a traditional challenge (the faculty won). There were games, food, and all kinds of activities including a fun run/walk.
Earlier in the weekend 60 secondary schools took part in the Rectory School's second annual Secondary School Fair, where eighth-grade students and their families could meet and gather information from admissions people promoting their schools.  Lesley Gibbs, director of Placement, organized this fair.  There was also the Scholastic Book Fair from April 13 through April 15 and a percentage of the profits go to the library.