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Marie Leclair, pictured with her dog Precious, donated 76 acres in Thompson to the land trust. Courtesy photo.

WOODSTOCK, THOMPSON – The 55-acre Linda J. Rapoport Memorial Preserve on Pulpit Rock Road in Woodstock, previously donated to the Wyndham Land Trust by Ken Rapoport and Barclay Henderson, has expanded by 37 acres. Thanks to the combined efforts of Avis Spaulding and Mr. Rapoport, the new parcel of land will be named The Paul and Avis Spalding Preserve.
 Mrs. Spalding wished to perpetually preserve some of the 160-acre Spalding family farm as conservation land. Mr. Rapoport purchased 55 of the acres donating 37 of them to the land trust at the end of 2010.
 “Avis worked with me to structure something that would allow the land to be donated,” said Rapaport. “The goal is to add to it, making the total preserve 50-plus acres. The new preserve includes forest and swamp land, corn fields and a large vernal pool.”
“Inhabitants include beaver, otter, muskrats, bobcats, several owl species, and numerous songbirds just to name a few,” said Andy Rzeznikiewicz, a member of the Wyndham Land Trust Board of Directors. “It was really important to Avis to have permanent protection on this property.”
Another substantial land donation abuts The Quaddick State Forest on Leclair Road in Thompson. Donated by Marie Leclair, the parcel is 76 acres in size and located near the Wyndham Land Trust’s 79-acre Tamler Preserve.
 “Marie’s husband, Roland, purchased the property in the mid 1950s.  Marie enjoyed countless hours hiking around the property with her three beloved dogs.  She is happy that this forest will be protected forever,” said Rzeznikiewicz.  “The property is all forested, primarily oak and white pine.   Whip-poor-wills have been heard singing in this forest. So rare now, we hope they are still there.”
Passive recreation such as, walking, bird-watching, hiking and cross-country skiing are some of the activities allowed on certain parcels of land throughout northeast Connecticut.   For information on where the public may visit or to discuss volunteer and land donation opportunities, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 860-963-2090.