DANIELSON ---  The Last Green Valley Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program is seeking volunteers available on Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings from June through August to assist with water sampling in Woodstock, Pomfret and Brooklyn.  The water samples collected will be analyzed for E. coli bacteria concentrations.   The presence of E. coli bacteria above a certain threshold indicates that the water is contaminated by human or animal waste.  The monitoring results will be analyzed and shared with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection in an effort to correct any problems.
A free volunteer training workshop will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m.  May 31 at the Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret, on Pomfret Street.  Sampling will begin at 8 a.m. June 2.
People are needed to record information on data sheets and at least one person per team must be physically able to scramble down stream banks to collect the water samples.  For safety reasons, each team needs to have a minimum of two people.  Substitute team members are also needed.  With multiple teams involved, the weekly time commitment for each team will be less than two hours. 
For info or to sign up call  Jean Pillo at 860-928-4949 X 605 .

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