Summer league
starts June 22
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Recreation Department has set up its Putnam Girls'/Women's Basketball Summer League for the summer.
The league will be held at Putnam High School and will run on Wednesdays, June 22, 29, July 13, 20, 27, and Aug. 3 and 10.
The times are: 6:30 pm. Girls going into 8th, 9th or 10th grade; 7:30 pm. Grades (11th, 12th and College/Adult); 8:45 pm. Grades (11th, 12th & College/Adult)
Individual Sign-up  --- each player will receive a League Reversible. Teams will be formed and players contacted. The cost is $30.
Registration forms are available at the Putnam Park and Recreation Department at the Town Hall.

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