Putnam Police Officer Jamie Glaude
PUTNAM --- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Connecticut Department of Transportation recently recognized Putnam Police Officer Jamie Glaude as Car Technician of the Year for Windham County.
Officer Glaude was given this Child Passenger Safety Award for displaying exemplary leadership, dedication and volunteerism in the field of Child Passenger Safety for the State of Connecticut.
May 14 the Putnam Police and Fire departments hosted a child passenger seat safety clinic.
Co-sponsors for this car seat check included Safe Kids Windham County.
There were a total of 13 car seats checked for proper installation.
Experienced car seat technicians educated parents on how to properly restrain their child in the car seat and how to properly install their child’s safety seat in their vehicle.
Parents were not aware that a child under Connecticut’s law and best practice should remain rear facing until they outgrow their child safety seat’s recommendations for rear facing mode and also have met the criteria for a forward facing installation.
Anyone who would like more information regarding Connecticut’s Child Passenger Safety Law or a free inspection of their child’s safety seat should contact Officer Jamie Glaude at the Putnam Police Department at 860-928-6565 or Tammy Szpyrka of the Putnam Ambulance Association.