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Sat. July 9
WOODSTOCK --- Roseland Cottage on Rt. 169 will present "Life and Legacy of William Sumner Appleton" from 1 to 2 p.m. Free. 928-4074.

Car Cruise
E. PUTNAM --- The Tri-State Cruisers will hold their Saturday Nite Cruisin' 2011 starting at 4 p.m. in the Sears Plaza off Rt. 44 through Sept. 24.

WOODSTOCK --- The Faith Bible Church on Rt. 171 will hold a July Giveaway from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the church parking lot. Everything free for the taking.

Nature Hike
POMFRET --- Mashamoquet Brook State Park will present a 3 ½-mile hike at 9:30 a.m. Moderate, steep in sections, 2 hours. Meet at The Wolf Den Campground parking lot.  928-6121.

Sun. July 10
Scavenger Hunt
POMFRET --- The Mashamoquet Brook State Park will present a Scavenger Hunt at 10 a.m. 45 minutes. Meet at The Wolf Den Campground parking lot. 928-6121.

POMFRET --- The Mashamoquet Brook State Park will present a hike to Wolf Den at 2 p.m. Moderate hike, 1/2-mile, 45 minutes. Bring flashlight. Bring kids, no dogs. Meet at the Wolf Den parking area off of the dirt portion of Wolf Den Drive. 928-6121.

WOODSTOCK --- The Woodstock Historical Society is presenting an exhibit, "Journey Through Woodstock: Celebrating Woodstock's  325th Anniversary" from noon to 4 p.m. Sundays, through the end of the year. All welcome. Free.

Open House
WOODSTOCK --- The Quasset School House, just before the Woodstock Elementary School, will host a free open house from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays in July and August. Built in 1854 and moved in 1954.

Mon. July 11
Blood Drive
CANTERBURY --- The Canterbury Historical Society is hosting a blood drive from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Community Room at Town Hall. Walkins welcome. 1-800-RED-CROSS.

Wed. July 13
Armory Open House
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Facilities Study Group will  host an open house from 3 to 6 p.m. at the former Armory off Keech Street, followed by a community discussion on uses for the facility at 6:30 at the Town Hall Community Room. Residents welcome.

Thur. July 14
Nature Program
HAMPTON --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "Trail Wood Bird Walk" at 8 a.m.  at Trail Wood off Kenyon Road.  $5 for members; $10 for nonmembers. 928-4948.

Fri. July 15
WOODSTOCK --- Roseland Cottage on Rt. 169 will present the Little Big Band as part of its Twilight Lawn Concert at 7 p.m. Free. 928-4074.

Nature Program
HAMPTON --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "Full Moon Walk" at 7:30 p.m. at Trail Wood off Kenyon Road. Free for members; $3 for nonmembers. 928-4948.

Bulky Waste Collection
POMFRET --- The town will hold a bulky waste collection from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 15 and 16 at the Murdock Property on Rt. 101. For Pomfret residents only. Waste must originate in Pomfret.

Sat. July 16
PUTNAM --- Riverfire will be presented at Rotary Park from 8 to 9:30 p.m.

Ice Cream Social
POMFRET CENTER --- The Pomfret Senior  Center on Mashamoquet Road will host an Ice Cream Social, “Make Your Own Sundae” from 1 to 5 p.m. $7.

PUTNAM --- The town of Putnam will present its annual al Fresco event --- Dr. K's Motown Revue, an 11-piece Motown tribute band, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Rotary Park. Rain date July 17. Sponsorships from Putnam Bank and Wheelabrator-Putnam. Free. Bring lawn chairs.

PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam will hold a "Chicken Barbeque on the Lawn" from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the church. The Thompson K of C is helping. Weather permitting, the dinner will be on the front lawn; otherwise, indoors. $10, adults; $5 kids 12 and younger. Takeout available. 928-4405. 

Sun. July 17
Flea Market
ASHFORD --- The Ashford Senior center will sponsor a flea market and bake sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in conjunction with the Ashford Farmers' Market. Lunch available. Tables available. 487-5122.

N. GROSVENORDALE --- The Knights of Columbus Council 2087 will hold a breakfast from 7 to 11 a.m. at the Knights Hall on Riverside Drive. $7. 923-2967.       
Tues. July 19
Nature Program
POMFRET CENTER --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "Evening Bird Walk" at 6 p.m. at the NEW center at 218 Day Road. $5 for members; $10 for nonmembers. 928-4948.

Art Show
DANIELSON --- The Northeastern Connecticut Art Guild is having an art show through Aug. 12 at the Quinebaug Valley Community College Spirol Art Gallery. A reception will be held today from 6 to 8 p.m. Guest artist is Pamela Simpson Lussier and music by Primmrose.  All welcome.

Sat. July 23
Nature Program
POMFRET CENTER --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "Apple Grafting" at 10 a.m. at the NEW center at 218 Day Road. $25 for members; $40 for nonmembers. Preregister: 928-4948.

Sun. July 24
Golf Tourney
PUTNAM --- The second annual Knights of Columbus Council 64 golf tournament fund-raiser will be held at the  Connecticut National Golf Course in East Putnam. 428-0058.

Mon. July 25
Football Camp
PUTNAM --- Putnam Pride Youth Football Camp- non-contact for grades 4-8 will be held from 9 a.m. to noon through July 28. $50 for Putnam residents; $75, non-residents. Sponsored by Putnam Recreation Department. Info, register: 928-6811.
Wed. July 27
'Beach Party'
POMFRET --- The Pomfret Senior Center will hold a Beach Party for senior citizens from noon to 4 p.m. Come dressed for beach and bring a salad or equally easy dish to eat for the potluck. $5.
Fri. July 29
PUTNAM --- A Punt, Pass & Kick- free competition for boys and girls ages 6-15 will start with registration and skills clinics start at 5:30 p.m. and competition at 7  at the Owen Tarr Sports Complex. Sponsored by the NFL and  Quiet Corner Football. New England Patriots Mascot – ‘Pat the Patriot’ will be on hand. Call 860-336-6926.
Fri. Aug. 5
Bradley Playhouse
PUTNAM --- The Bradley Playhouse on Rt. 44, downtown, will present "The Producers" at 7 p.m. Aug. 5, 6, 12, 13, 19 and 20 and at 2 p.m. Aug. 7, 14 and 21.  $20 for adults; $17 for students/senior citizens. 928-7887.

First Friday
PUTNAM --- The Putnam Business Association will present 2011 First Friday today throughout downtown Putnam. Specials, exhibits, sales, art, music, demos, and more. 

Sat. Aug. 6
WOODSTOCK --- Roseland Cottage on Rt. 169 will present "Rural Retreat: Roseland Cottage Landscape Tour" from 10 to 11 a.m. $5 Historic New England members; $8 for nonmembers. Register by calling: 928-4074.

Fri. Aug. 12
Fund-raiser Concert
WOODSTOCK --- Broadway Live Productions will present "DIVAS in Concert" at 8 p.m. Aug. 12 and 13 at the Hyde Cultural Center. Benefits Day Kimball Healthcare's Deary Memorial Cancer Fund and Habitat for Humanity of Northeast Connecticut. Tickets, $20, go on sale May 1 at: Putnam Bank, DKH's  Development Office, Wonderland Books, Victoria Station CafĂ©, WINY Radio and Danielson Surplus Sales.

Sat. Aug. 13
Deary Race
PUTNAM --- The 22nd annual Deary Memorial Race and Walk will be held at J.D. Cooper's Restaurant. If you are interested in forming a team for the race, walk and ride, contact 928-7141, Pat Hedenberg by May 12.

Nature Program
HAMPTON --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "Full Moon Walk" at 7:30 p.m. at Trail Wood off Kenyon Road. Free for members; $3 for nonmembers. 928-4948.

Sun. Aug. 14
Grinder Sale
PUTNAM --- The Congregational Church of Putnam will hold a Putnam Car Cruise Grinder Sale from 11 a.m. until they are gone on the lawn of the church on Main Street. $6. 928-4405.

Duckie Race
PUTNAM --- The Arc of Quinebaug Valley will present the 14th annual Arc Rubber Duckie Race fund-raiser at Rotary Park. "Adopt" a duck: 774-2827.

Car Cruise
PUTNAM --- The annual Main Street Car Cruise will be held throughout downtown Putnam.

Tues. Aug. 16
Nature Program
POMFRET CENTER --- The Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret will present "Late Summer Morning Bird Walk" at 8 a.m. at NEW center at 218 Day Road. $5 for members; $10 for nonmembers. 928-4948.