Then & Then
& Now
In 1936 The Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary came from Lithuania to live at Marianapolis College in Thompson, under the direction of the Marian Fathers. After three years, in 1939, the Sisters bought their own house in Thompson and in 1940 began caring for the elderly and organizing retreats. In 1943 they purchased the Windham County Children’s home in Putnam which became their motherhouse (top). The sisters also started a summer camp for girls in 1944 on the same grounds which by 1958 (the 15th session) already numbered 150. Here, in 1950 they created the Fatima Shrine and planted a linden tree pathway connecting the Shrine to the Convent. In 1954 a Chapel was build and blessed by Bishop Flanagan of Norwich. The picture, middle, taken in 1955, shows the convent with the new chapel. The summer camp has since been moved to Vermont and has English and Lithuanian sessions both for children and families. In 1961 the Siluva Shrine was added to the front of the chapel and blessed by their chaplain, Rev. S. Yla. The sisters coordinated many ministries from this Motherhouse some of which are completed e.g. the boarding school for girls (25 years), Immaculata Printing Press (40 years), Day Care and Senior Center in Montreal (40 years), a Day Care in Toronto (50 years), Villa Maria Rest Home (25 years) in Thompson. Other ministries that still serve the public today are; the King Mindaugas Castle (since 1982), Blessed George Matulaitis Nursing Home (since 1968), Camp Neringa (since 1969), Spiritual Renewal Center (since 1980).